Monday, October 28, 2013

I spent the past day fixing the normal map hes looking pretty cool
His normal are fixed in mudbox(great program)
I used his face normal as a clone stamp and made his shoulders visceral. As a transition from the flesh to the fungal bone. His fleshy fungus crown is much more flowing and organic

This is his back, the red sign is a mudbox high valence vertex error (it is tried off)  at the location. there is some z fighting on the draped cloth and the shawl (a simple move will suffice).
After some very minor changes ill start painting (Ill make a ao out of the normal map). certain parts of the clothes will be alphas so I can makes holes and uneven fringe.

Friday, October 25, 2013

     Hello again Ive asked around about the script. I have a definitive answer. In python im going to create what is called a basic filter function to export the mesh. (thank you Morrissey)
This is for the mel exporter(unused but interesting)
Out of respect for the original author of the exporter script (haven't asked for permission) ill hold off posting the script
 With the script in mind I will elaborate on it but first ill analyze it and understand the syntax. Whats the use of learning if you don't actually learn anything

pseudo code:
center pivot
freeze transformations
delete history
export in directory
    To be honest instead of centering the pivot I would rather have the pivot at the bottom right but that is a very context based command and im afraid it would cause more problems.
The official resources page

Hello All,
This is yet another update on my model I  resculpted the clothes and baked out his normal

please note this is just a screen cap of the normal
The bakes were sculpted in z brush then baked in x normal (with some tweaking in crazybump and mudbox)

Heres the clothes all divided into 11 1-4mil subtools (depending on how much love I wanted to give it; think visual hierarchy)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Here's the color pass on Cherno
There's going to be a lot of black on the clothes (its a monochromatic clolor scheme blue)  This pass really illustrates the tattered clothes better than just the model as they will be alphas.
I really like the  wispiness (perhaps later I could make free standing ribbons of cloth engulfing him)of this pass inspired by Grave Lord Nito (Darksouls). I think that color palate works because there is a balance between the bones on his torso and the black (particle emitter cloak).  Hit makes him seem too human with the and its painting his skin the color of old bones.
As Cherno's body reaches the legs  it is all cloth and cant really find visual balance (perhaps with the central belt cloth it could visually stand out  but as it stands I would rather start with my first color pass idea inspired by Keith Thompson's undead book.
Usually I start  with a color scheme however it doesn't mean I cant deviate from it as I see fit I see color schemes merely a suggestion
This is pretty much what I'm looking for  its all black but different shades (and color by the looks of things) basically a  LOTR Ring Wraith.
I really like the designs on the hem and shoulder area. I think the gold hem is the missing piece the Cherno's visual puzzle. of curse it going to be faded and in severe disrepair.
Here's the code for a FBX exporter. At this point it will only create and export PolyCube1, but ill fix that up so it will "apply to selected".
The code itself was derived from the output window (so it will require fixing and cleaning for superfluous material) Also it is mel at this time but the conversion from mel to python is very perscise so ill continue with this code. But an upside is you can save it to whatever directory you want.

polyPlane -w 1 -h 1 -sx 10 -sy 10 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 2 -ch 1;
// pPlane1 polyPlane1 //

select -cl  ;
select -r pPlane1 ;

editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;
fileOptions "ExportActive" "projectViewer ExportActive";
// Result: 0 //
// Result: 0 //
fileOptionsAction OptionBoxWindow "ExportActive" "projectViewer ExportActive";
// Result: 1 //
// Result: 1 //
fileOperationsOptionsUISetup ExportActive FileDialogOptionsGrpBoxLayout;
np_getPrimaryProjectFileRules 0;
// Result: Scenes scene scenes Templates templates assets Images images images Source Images sourceImages sourceimages Render Data renderData  Particles particles particles Clips clips clips Sound sound  Scripts scripts  Disk Cache diskCache data Movies movie data Translator Data translatorData  AutoSave autoSave autosave //
fileOperationsOptionsUIInitValues ExportActive FileDialogOptionsGrpBoxLayout"OBJexport";
manipMoveValues Move;
fileOperationsOptionsUICallback ExportActive FileDialogOptionsGrpBoxLayout;
file -force -options "groups=0;ptgroups=0;materials=1;smoothing=1;normals=0" -typ "OBJexport" -pr -es "C:/Users/owner/Desktop/test.obj";
about -application;
// Result: maya //
about -product;
// Result: Maya 2013 //
about -version;
// Result: 2013 x64 //
about -cutIdentifier;
// Result: 201202220241-825136 //
about -osv;
// Result: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
ls -sets;
// Result: defaultLightSet defaultObjectSet initialParticleSE initialShadingGroup //
listRelatives -ap -f |pPlane1|pPlaneShape1;
// Result: |pPlane1 //
listRelatives -ap |pPlane1|pPlaneShape1;
// Result: pPlane1 //
nodeType |pPlane1;
// Result: transform //
listRelatives -ap -f |pPlane1;
listRelatives -ap |pPlane1;
listRelatives -ap -f |pPlane1|pPlaneShape1;
// Result: |pPlane1 //
listRelatives -ap |pPlane1|pPlaneShape1;
// Result: pPlane1 //
nodeType |pPlane1;
// Result: transform //
listRelatives -ap -f |pPlane1;
listRelatives -ap |pPlane1;
listConnections -t file lambert1.color;
listConnections -t file lambert1.ambientColor;
listConnections -t bump2d lambert1.normalCamera;
memory -he;
// Result: 389.03125 //
memory -fr;
// Result: 1063.332031 //
memory -pf;
// Result: 4387037 //
// Result: C:/Users/owner/Desktop/test.obj //
listHistory -pdo true -lf false -il 2 "|pPlane1";
listHistory -pdo true -lf false -il 2 -f true "|pPlane1";
listHistory -pdo true -lf false -il 2 "|pPlane1|pPlaneShape1";
// Result: polyPlane1 //
listHistory -pdo true -lf false -il 2 -f true "|pPlane1|pPlaneShape1";
// Result: initialShadingGroup //
allConnectedMentalrayShaders "initialShadingGroup";
manipMoveValues Move;
the scripting section of my work. I am writing a exporter fbx in python for reference I have been tearing apart linh's script to see his syntax as exporters are finicky he has included a lot of extra feartures (not needed).
I have been watching more of the digital tutors videos,topicNumber=d30e87720
This is a very good reference it will show you all the commands, but not how to implement them.
I will have further update this weekend.
import maya.mel as mm
mm.eval("FBXExport -f myfile.fbx;")

this is the basic syntax for python for a exporter but ill consolidate my findings this weekend

I like to organize and break these post up,
Heres a screen cap of his uvs
the edges are cut off (all of the shells are on the 1/1) with 2 instances of stacked uvs on the hands and the shackles on the hands
for the upcoming texture work  ill be looking at
Its a good book for reference, namely the character on the front it a monochromatic blue ill be making color passes very soon
first and foremost now since I have unwrapped the model I can transfer the normals  which will add  complexity to my model.

Friday, October 18, 2013

All heres my weekly update, I was to tweak the Chernobog character (for aesthetic and function reasons)
He now has a ultra stylish necklace and a ornate chain(plates the hold together his shawl. one of my mail concerns on designing the model was "if I pay too close attention to the functionality of the clothes, he will loose his otherworldly bearing making him look like a guy who just got horribly mutated.
This was good reference a lich
the lich's robe and Ornstein's decorations (chains) and also paladin leeroys armor (not shown)

Now his robe is more tattered and flowing and now I can allow alphas at the bottom of the shawl and the stepped robe parts (holes mesh and various imperfections)
At this time I am finished with the mesh but have to optimize the mesh and fix gridflow
No more ngons in this model

with all the mesh fixed I un wrapped him with 2 uv sets my standard uv layout is head-hands and the body gets its own

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A slightly reworked scaled and thought of model. The shoulders have 3 layers to help break the silhouette his robe has a more ragged look. Next I plan to add some buckles and necklaces to the shawl (his chest area is rather bare
Here's the collection of my scripts, first starting out in python is quite daunting, but it is simply what must be done, these are very basic. Due to me having some experience in MEL it isn't an alien concept to me but the syntax is still fundamentally different.
For my tutorials I looked at the first 7 videos and followed along.
From now on I'll start making modeling scripts and exporters, ill continue my research and hopefully have a nice script to show for it soon.
The main thing is getting the exporter to work (very difficult task)


code 2013

print 12.0/5

hash mark + notes (#) on script

import maya. cmds

import maya. cmds



import maya. cmds as mc

mc.polySphere(r=1, sx=20, sy=20, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=2, ch=1)

mc.setAttr("polySphere.radius", 25)


mc.move( -2, -2, -2, r=True)

mc.rotate( 0, 90, 0, r=True)

mc.scale( 4, 4, 4, r=False)


mc.parentConstraint("polyCube2", "polyCubeGRP", mo=True, weight=1)

mc.scaleConstraint("polyCube2", "polyCubeGRP", mo=True, weight=1)


weapCtrl = "aim_weapon01"

weapoGRP = "weapGRp"

mc.parentConstraint (weapCtrl, weapGRP, mo=True

mc.scaleconstraint (weapCtrl, weapGRP)

 concatioate script

that = "cool "

print that + "is the value of that"

 thisNum = 5.3

print "%f is the value of thisNum. "% thisNum + that


mc.rename("pCube1, "coolCube_%d" % thisVal)


this = (sl=True)

ourFirstList =["awesome"], 9.8 this[1]][2])[2, tgl=True)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Here he is 16k polys  now that all the parts are there I can really mess with the mesh. He looks clean, not on my watch! I plan to make his robes ragged and more ornate
I want his robes to be ethereal yet wispy a kin to our friend Gravelord Nito
I tore his model apart ingame very basic  simple mesh with a particle emitter engulfing it. Though li will not be going about that way its good visual reference.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This is another update with some more pics
This is where the original concept originated from
This is  the backside of  the female showing the mechanical workings (never mind the gun the texture is a psd)

Here's the first batch of my characters, This is my iteration of the Synth Scorpion from the upcoming Wasteland 2. As much of the concept art is very loose and obscured, several creative liberties needed to be taken such as the bottom and the top of the chassis.
Here's my female heavily based on Shadowrun, Deus Ex and various 80's cyberpunk media(surprisingly no Bladerunner too noir).  I based her design knowing we only had 3 weeks to work on her. The textures, I love (though needs more color variation), but rest of the body a tad too basic for my tastes.
Here's a scan of my sketchbook the current product is very similar with minimal changes

Here's  is the mighty Chernobog, lord of fungus, of Slavic Mythology  his inspiration was Darksouls hollows, catholic bishops and various lich like entities
a lil reference, this is a unused Darksouls model
The musculature of Chernobog( almost all his pelvis region is clothed)