Saturday, October 19, 2013

Here's the color pass on Cherno
There's going to be a lot of black on the clothes (its a monochromatic clolor scheme blue)  This pass really illustrates the tattered clothes better than just the model as they will be alphas.
I really like the  wispiness (perhaps later I could make free standing ribbons of cloth engulfing him)of this pass inspired by Grave Lord Nito (Darksouls). I think that color palate works because there is a balance between the bones on his torso and the black (particle emitter cloak).  Hit makes him seem too human with the and its painting his skin the color of old bones.
As Cherno's body reaches the legs  it is all cloth and cant really find visual balance (perhaps with the central belt cloth it could visually stand out  but as it stands I would rather start with my first color pass idea inspired by Keith Thompson's undead book.
Usually I start  with a color scheme however it doesn't mean I cant deviate from it as I see fit I see color schemes merely a suggestion
This is pretty much what I'm looking for  its all black but different shades (and color by the looks of things) basically a  LOTR Ring Wraith.
I really like the designs on the hem and shoulder area. I think the gold hem is the missing piece the Cherno's visual puzzle. of curse it going to be faded and in severe disrepair.

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