This week I dedicated to reworking Lady Z.
From concept to , well , progress
Heres a before and after much more busyness to her I also lifted her butt and slightly shortened her torso. I have to now paint over her ao and find some texture samples for her tactical equipment.
Next to do:
Her hair, makeup touchup
possible more geo on boots.
Rework her knee pads(possible)
The whole scripting experience is to create ease for exporting. In the works is a script to create a udk grid at the touch of a button (later unity).
I started by doing research what make a udk grid
length width 5K
Grid every 256
subdiv 16
At this point I have a basic script with some errors that ill be reworking and trouble shooting
// To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
grid -spacing 10 -d 10;
this is the mel code but I still have to convert it to python
easy in theory but it looks some syntax errors heres a list of mel references
Heres the sample my script is based off of
import maya.cmds as cmds
#To toggle the grid display of the grid (in all views):
currState = cmds.grid( toggle=True, q=True )
cmds.grid( toggle=(currState == 0) )
# To reset the grid to default values:
cmds.grid( reset=True )
# To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
cmds.grid( spacing=10, d=10 )
# To set the defaults for inches
cmds.grid( default=True, spacing='1in', size='1ft', divisions=4 )
# To change the size of the grid to 20x20, extending 10 units
# in each direction:
cmds.grid( spacing=10 )