Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello all
This week I dedicated to reworking  Lady Z.
From concept to , well , progress

Ill go for more stylization, its really funny through all my side jobs I developed a new drawing style, an almost anime like one, thanks Funimation.  For the new style Im going for Deus Ex meets Resident Evil Revelations, kinda of tactical cyberpunk feel. All of the metal work is based off of human musculature(easy) so ill integrate some normal maps to help speed up the process.

Heres a before and after much more busyness to her I also lifted her butt and slightly shortened her torso. I have to now paint over her ao  and find some texture samples for her tactical equipment.
Next to do:

Her hair, makeup touchup
possible more geo on boots.
Rework her knee pads(possible)

The whole scripting experience is to create ease for exporting. In the works is a script to create a udk grid at the touch of a button (later unity).
I started by doing research what make a udk grid
length width 5K
Grid every 256
subdiv 16
At this point I have a basic script with some errors that ill be reworking and trouble shooting
// To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
grid -spacing 10 -d 10;
this is the mel code but I still have to convert it to python
easy in theory but it looks some syntax errors heres a list of mel references

Heres the sample my script is based off of
import maya.cmds as cmds

#To toggle the grid display of the grid (in all views):
currState = cmds.grid( toggle=True, q=True )
cmds.grid( toggle=(currState == 0) )

# To reset the grid to default values:
cmds.grid( reset=True )

# To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
cmds.grid( spacing=10, d=10 )

# To set the defaults for inches
cmds.grid( default=True, spacing='1in', size='1ft', divisions=4 )

# To change the size of the grid to 20x20, extending 10 units
# in each direction:
cmds.grid( spacing=10 )

Friday, November 22, 2013

I've been working on the alpha process(png traerency method) I tried with alpha clusters but the fringe issue would need to be address and too much time.
One thing is for sure the maya display is garbage especially on my computer (it doesn't display alphas or normal maps correctly (only when I render but I assure everyone the finished character doesn't look like this)
Maya viewport= bad

render= good
I will now clean up and adjust some parts of the mesh (the loin loth is too exposed for my liking)
The color of his skin is much lighter than I thought , I might tweak that.
But rather than perfect him ill start on redesigns of my female cyberpunk character lady z. she was due in 2 weeks so I built her with that kept in mind, ill have some sketches soon. Ill go for a more deus ex approach more machinery based on human musculature while adding more organic parts to her (make her left arm organic) One critique was that she was  rather androgynous, the critique was subjective to the point of irrelevance,  but hey, ill push some glam in her yet.
Shes basically a shadowrun mod character I made but ive branched out from that (shes like 20k polys now)
Ill be redesigning the hair adding some more straps and cosmetics.
 The reet will be more traditional boots (with steel toes)
Her lower body "support will be higher and more stylized a the current design isn't really innovative.
ill also make her pupils smaller and paint some detail on he lips
ill be experimenting with the colors.
Im really experimenting with the whole gothpunk influences (without taking anything from bladerunner)
Heres the Completed script
I noticed the last script the quit def was in the wrong place and broke the "quit" button.
There was a some trouble with the obj exporter but now it is fixed.

import maya.cmds as cmds
#import maya.mel as mel
#Special Thanks Morrissey Alexander
#Special Thanks Roman Parez
def ExporterWindow():
    #Checks if a window exists, if it does delete it
    if cmds.window("ExpWin", exists = True):
        #I copied this
        cmds.deleteUI("ExpWin", window = True)
    #Create a window
    myWin = cmds.window("ExpWin", t = "Exporter of Kirlis")
    cmds.text(l = "Script of Kirlis")
    cmds.text(l = "Choose Your Export Method")
    cmds.button(l = "FBX", c = "FBXExport()")
    cmds.button(l = "OBJ", c = "OBJExport()")
    cmds.button(l = "Quit", c = "DeleteWindow()")
def FBXExport():
    #Center selection
    cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)
    #Delete all history
    cmds.delete (ch=True)
    #export selection 
    basicFilter = "*.fbx"
    filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="FBX export")
    cmds.file (filename[0], force=True,  typ= "FBX export" , pr=1, es=1  )
def OBJExport():
    #Center selection
    cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)
    #Delete all history
    cmds.delete (ch=True)
    #export selection
    basicFilter = "*.obj"
    filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="OBJ export")
    cmds.file (filename[0], force=True,  typ= "OBJexport" , pr=1, es=1  )
def DeleteWindow():
    # and pasted it here
    cmds.deleteUI("ExpWin", window = True)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I am almost finished with my character chernobog. He should be completed this time next week (depending on various problems that could occur).
His face has been bloodied hands color transitioned nicer normal slightly tweaked necklaces painted (placeholder)  I also added the designs on the vestments which really make his clothes stand out. Ill also test out new designs on his fleshy "crown".
Progress on my script is going smoothly the obj portion is still buggy and not worth posting nobody wants a broken script ill start cleaning it and compiling it (this week him getting together with some of my programmer buddies to make sure Im on the right track).

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Heres a large update of the script it integrated gui and export
I original wrote it in mel then converted  it to python(albeit with help)
 Use it freely, nobody will stop you, do as you please. Ill be working on the obj capabilities later this week

import maya.cmds as cmds

#import maya.mel as mel


def ExporterWindow():


    #Checks if a window exists, if it does delete it

    if cmds.window("ExpWin", exists = True):

        cmds.deleteUI("ExpWin", window = True)


    #Create a window

    myWin = cmds.window("ExpWin", t = "Exporter of Kirlis")


    cmds.text(l = "Script of Kirlis")

    cmds.button(l = "FBX", c = "FBXExport()")

    cmds.button(l = "OBJ", c = "command2")

    cmds.text(l = "Coming Soon")

    cmds.button(l = "Quit", c = "command3")



def FBXExport():


    #Special Morrissey Alexander
    # Special Roman Parez


    #import maya.cmds as cmds


    #Center selection

    cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)


    #Freeze transformations

    #cmds.makeIdentity(apply=True, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0)


    #Delete all history

    cmds.delete (ch=True)



    #export selection


    basicFilter = "*.fbx"


    filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="FBX export")


    cmds.file (filename[0], force=True,  typ= "FBX export" , pr=1, es=1  )



Friday, November 8, 2013

Hey yall,
Heres a update,
His face was painted(basic colors detail needed)
hands painted
normal retouched
alphas on shawl and belt (prepped)

The orange like color on the fringe is a mudbox "error". I am an avid user of the export screen to psd feature in mubdox, its awesome, but certain artifacts emerge, regardless it will be alpha and the rest of the color will be cut out.
In painting him I clearly stayed away from the color black, as of now hes just one color  but I will introduce more colors as I hit the detail phase.
I will paint gold (albeit fading) trim and designs on his clothes
Now looking at the character at a distance the colors are very similar , ill consider creating more of a contrast 

Hers some direction from lotr

I plan to paint the face similar to this ie the teeth
And make his skin  more visceral, my pretty much clone stamping the normals and texture, from the face to the rest of the body.
Tomorrow ill be uploading a script for some ui ill continue to tweak and integrate the export script and make a obj export option

Friday, November 1, 2013

heres an update on cherno

textures done in mudbox and slightly tweaked in photoshop (looking pretty cool but ill need to add designs on the clothes (ie bishops robes with gold hemmed designs)

Heres the export script
its basic special thanks to Morrissey for helping with the syntax
#Special Morrissey Alexander
import maya.cmds as cmds
#Center selection
cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)
#Freeze transformations
#cmds.makeIdentity(apply=True, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0)
#Delete all history
cmds.delete (ch=True)
#export selection
basicFilter = "*.fbx"
filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="FBX export")
cmds.file (filename[0], force=True,  typ= "FBX export" , pr=1, es=1  )

Next ill continue on the script ui and include obj options  and not to forget to continue on cherno