Friday, November 29, 2013

Hello all
This week I dedicated to reworking  Lady Z.
From concept to , well , progress

Ill go for more stylization, its really funny through all my side jobs I developed a new drawing style, an almost anime like one, thanks Funimation.  For the new style Im going for Deus Ex meets Resident Evil Revelations, kinda of tactical cyberpunk feel. All of the metal work is based off of human musculature(easy) so ill integrate some normal maps to help speed up the process.

Heres a before and after much more busyness to her I also lifted her butt and slightly shortened her torso. I have to now paint over her ao  and find some texture samples for her tactical equipment.
Next to do:

Her hair, makeup touchup
possible more geo on boots.
Rework her knee pads(possible)

The whole scripting experience is to create ease for exporting. In the works is a script to create a udk grid at the touch of a button (later unity).
I started by doing research what make a udk grid
length width 5K
Grid every 256
subdiv 16
At this point I have a basic script with some errors that ill be reworking and trouble shooting
// To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
grid -spacing 10 -d 10;
this is the mel code but I still have to convert it to python
easy in theory but it looks some syntax errors heres a list of mel references

Heres the sample my script is based off of
import maya.cmds as cmds

#To toggle the grid display of the grid (in all views):
currState = cmds.grid( toggle=True, q=True )
cmds.grid( toggle=(currState == 0) )

# To reset the grid to default values:
cmds.grid( reset=True )

# To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
cmds.grid( spacing=10, d=10 )

# To set the defaults for inches
cmds.grid( default=True, spacing='1in', size='1ft', divisions=4 )

# To change the size of the grid to 20x20, extending 10 units
# in each direction:
cmds.grid( spacing=10 )

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