Heres the Completed script
I noticed the last script the quit def was in the wrong place and broke the "quit" button.
There was a some trouble with the obj exporter but now it is fixed.
import maya.cmds as cmds
#import maya.mel as mel
#Special Thanks Morrissey Alexander
#Special Thanks Roman Parez
def ExporterWindow():
#Checks if a window exists, if it does delete it
if cmds.window("ExpWin", exists = True):
#I copied this
cmds.deleteUI("ExpWin", window = True)
#Create a window
myWin = cmds.window("ExpWin", t = "Exporter of Kirlis")
cmds.text(l = "Script of Kirlis")
cmds.text(l = "Choose Your Export Method")
cmds.button(l = "FBX", c = "FBXExport()")
cmds.button(l = "OBJ", c = "OBJExport()")
cmds.button(l = "Quit", c = "DeleteWindow()")
def FBXExport():
#Center selection
cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)
#Delete all history
cmds.delete (ch=True)
#export selection
basicFilter = "*.fbx"
filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="FBX export")
cmds.file (filename[0], force=True, typ= "FBX export" , pr=1, es=1 )
def OBJExport():
#Center selection
cmds.move(0,0,0, rpr = True)
#Delete all history
cmds.delete (ch=True)
#export selection
basicFilter = "*.obj"
filename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=basicFilter, fileMode=0, caption="OBJ export")
cmds.file (filename[0], force=True, typ= "OBJexport" , pr=1, es=1 )
def DeleteWindow():
# and pasted it here
cmds.deleteUI("ExpWin", window = True)
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